Kontra Production Agency

Kontra Production Agency
ENGLISHChoose Language
Dan Bárta & Illustratosphere Alice Vltava minus123minut Tomáš Kočko & Orchestr Barbora Mochowa První Hoře Milan Urza Kaspar Melichar Poly Noir Insania IONS


U2 Desire Revival Band

For many years among top European U2 revivals!

Founded in 2000 with line-up full of experienced musicians who have been involved in various professional bands for many years prior to U2 Desire revival band.

This revival is famous for countless gigs in Czech Republic, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Austria, Poland and Slovakia.

he band is familiar through festival appearances at home and abroad and as a support act of famous groups – German SCOOTER, Czech Kryštof, Wohnout, Chinaski, Slovak No Name etc. to name a few.

The band plays at town festivals, company & private parties, balls and music clubs & pubs regularly.

The group builds upon all of the trademarks that made Irish U2 one of the greatest bands in the world – that means perfect musicianship, visual aspect and stage show.

Througout 12-year-career U2 Desire Revival Band has received lots of possitive feedback from fans, musical agencies and their clients and their position among the best European U2 revivals is well earned.

Official website of the musician: