Kontra Production Agency

Kontra Production Agency
ENGLISHChoose Language
Dan Bárta & Illustratosphere Alice Vltava minus123minut Tomáš Kočko & Orchestr Barbora Mochowa První Hoře Milan Urza Kaspar Melichar Poly Noir Insania IONS



At the beginning of 2016, ALICE altogether with Dan Bárta, prepared an exclusive tour at the occasion of 25th anniversary of their origin – in the original line-up!

This band became widely known in less than a year of their existence, when in 1991 they went on a tour called „In the Sky“ with band Lucie. The debut „Yeah! “ was produced by David Koller, and later they released albums „Ústa hromů“and „Alice“. All these albums became the key records for local rock. At the end of the 90s, the band founder Jiří Mikeš and Dan Barta separated because of different musical approach.

The band called “Palice”, later just Alice, was founded without Dan Bárta. Dan Bárta became, for example, an inseparable part of the band J.A.R. and later founded his own, jazz-tuned project called Illustratosphere.

You can now enjoy one of the most important Czech rock bands of the 90s - ALICE – in their original line-up!

Dan Bárta – vocal
Lumír Václavík – solo quitar
Martin Střeska – quitar
Zdeny Podskalský – bass
Jiří Mikeš Milý – drums